Monreal said that his agency and private companies at NAIA have agreed to hire the said workers for three years, and will receive the same benefits of regular employees, as part of his support to President Rodrigo Duterte’s promise during the election campaign that he will end the Endo (End of Employment) scheme, especially in government agencies.
Monreal added that under the new policy, all NAIA building attendants should receive what is due to them and must be employed continuously via a 3-year contract, and shall have no age limit. Nevertheless, he noted that employees can still be terminated once they commit a serious violation or have been practicing habitual absenteeism.
And because these NAIA attendants will be treated as regular employees, they will be entitled to 13th month pay, Social Security Service contribution, and health benefits, among others. Apparently, most of them are in janitorial services for more than 10 years. As of now, they are being covered by Job Order Personnel without the security of tenure.
As defined by the Civil Service Commission, job-order hiring refers to the hiring of workers for piecework or intermittent jobs of short duration of not more than 6 months, and shall be paid on a daily or hourly basis. However, this working arrangement has been often abused not only by government offices, but also by private companies and shopping mall owners.
“This is a good opportunity for us. At least, we are assured of employment for three years and renewable until the company exist, the 13th month pay, medical benefits and SSS,” Alma Nival, who is one of the 1,057 NAIA attendants, adding that she and co-workers are very happy in welcoming this latest opportunity given to them by MIAA.
Contributed by Salvi Dalida
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