“Chris is Risen.” Reads the CBCP banner, written in red bold letters. But of course, we all know that the correct one should be “Christ is Risen.” According to the female netizen, whose Facebook post is now going viral, the photo was sent to her by her cousin who works at the printing company where the CBCP ordered 100 pcs. of banners.
The netizen said the CBCP send them a small carton with “Chris is Risen” on it, and it served as a sample. Unfortunately, the one who received the sample said he did not notice the wrong spelling, and gave it directly to the person assigned in the printer. The supervisor was not able to check the 100 banners, which were sent to the CBCP office.
Later, a priest who was not identified noticed the wrong spelling on the banners and sent them back to the printing company for correction. However, the netizen said that the printing company refused to print the correct banner without additional pay from the CBCP, and insisted that it was the CBCP that first made the mistake.
The netizen, whose name was covered said the CBCP initially paid P500 to the printing company as down payment for the banners. But because they refused to pay the additional cost, the CBCP looked for another printing company, which later printed the new 100 banners, this time with the correct spelling – “Christ is Risen.”
Now, here’s what we learned from the CBCP “wrong spelling” banner story. First, priests are also human and commit mistakes too. Second, if you are in a printing or manufacturing company, make sure that you check the sample carefully before you proceed. Third, use your common sense. Who is in the world is Chris that has risen?
Contributed by Cherry Luz Alcantara
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